(set #kick39-msg "Kickstarts below v39 are not tested, so you might first consider testing the program before installing it.")
(set #destdir-msg "Where you want Rainboot 2.0 to be installed? A drawer called Rainboot will be created.")
(set #libs-msg "Copying libraries...")
(set #dirname "Rainboot")
(set #ptlib-msg "Do you want to install ptreplay.library? It is needed if you want to play Protracker modules with Rainboot2.")
(set #ptlib-help "ptreplay.library is only needed if you want to play Protracker modules with Rainboot2.")
(set #copy-msg "Copying files...")
(set #example-msg "Which of these example configs do you want to install?")
(set #fonts-msg "Do you want to install the fonts also? The examples won't work correctly without these fonts.")
(set #fonts-help "FuturaB, FuturaL and GoudyB are going to be installed in your FONTS: drawer")
(set #start-msg "Do you want Rainboot2 to be copied in your WBstartup drawer?")
(set #start-help "Copying Rainboot2 to your WBStartup drawer closes the bootscreen at the end of the booting. This does not start a new Rainboot2 even if one isn't running. It only stops it.")
(set #wbstart-msg "Where is your WBstartup drawer?")
(set #edit-msg "Now you still have to edit your s:startup-sequence. Just put the line (one line!):\n\n")
(set #edit-msg2 "\n\nsomewhere after the monitordrivers and reset your Amiga.\n(You might also need a MODEID or CGFX argument so check the docs for details)")
(set #edit2-msg "If you want to use Rainboot2 you must first create a config-file (check the docs and the examples) and the put Rainboot2 in your startup-sequence. Somewhere after the monitordrivers is probably a good place")